Goals 2017

01.01.2016 I started this blog. I have now been a blogger for a year, I didn’t manage to finish my new year’s resolutions for FreeCreature. I think the reason is that I didn’t set realistic goals for myself, because I didn’t take in consideration the fact that it’s my first year, I have much to learn. And honestly, I didn’t manage to come up with enough blog post ideas either. This year I am going to set realistic goals for myself as a blogger, so here are my goals for 2017:

  • Find inspiration for new blog posts

One of the big reasons I didn’t produce much content in 2016 was that I didn’t manage to come up with any blog post ideas, therefore this year I want to get better at finding inspiration. I also want to be able to make that inspiration into blog posts, and lots of new ideas.

  • Make more quality content

This goal is kind of connected to the first one, I want to not only have ideas for more blog posts, but I want to be able to make these ideas into quality blog posts.

  • Continue making monthly playlists

Last year I made monthly playlists though some of them didn’t get published when they should’ve. This year I want to continue with the monthly playlists and I want to be able to publish them when they are scheduled to be.

What are your goals for 2017?


The BEST chocolate syrup recipe

Chocolate syrup tastes amazing, and it’s so easy to make it. As it is one of the most classic things you can top your ice cream with, therefore I’m going to share with you this easy to follow recipe:



1 and 1/2 tablespoons of butter

1 cup cocoa powder

1 and 1/2 cup of sugar

1 and 1/2 cup of water

A pinch of salt

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


  1. Pour the sugar, water, cocoa powder, butter and salt together into a saucepan or a pot over medium heat, remember to stir constantly until the mixture begins to simmer.
  2. Remove from heat and stir the vanilla into the syrup.

The syrup will thicken once it cools down, though you can serve it warm too. It also tastes great in coffee and hot chocolate, but as mentioned before I personally recommend it as topping on ice cream.

Chocolate syrup

Below is a video where the process is demonstrated:

Book Review: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Recently I read the book «The Perks of Being a Wallflower». It’s a very good book about how Charlie the main character in the book experiences his first year of high school after the suicide of his best friend.


Charlie is a “wallflower”, he is the person that nobody notices, because he has mastered the art of “blending in” among other people. He isn’t the geekiest guy in school, but he is by no means the most popular one. Still he manages to get two friends Sam and Patrick. Together with them he experiences the ups and downs of drinking, smoking, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and other things as well.


All the characters in book seem relatable and real, because their personalities are very well described. They all talk a little different for example: Sam and Patrick swear a lot while Charlie doesn’t.



The story was very well written and I am hoping for more books like this from Stephen Chbosky, I particularly liked that it was written threw letters to someone Charlie had heard was nice. There are a lot of good quotations in the book, but there was one that really caught my attention: “So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.”


The story is a little depressing at moments, because Charlie goes through a few ups and a lot of downs. It didn’t make me cry (I don’t usually get upset over books and movies), but it was a real page turner and very interesting all the way through the book.



To sum it all up, it is a great book that I recommend to people 15 years and up due to some mature content like drugs. I won’t rate the book out of five or anything, because I find that I’ll always try to save the fifth star for the best book, and I change my mind about which book is the best every time I read a new book.

Have you read “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”? If you have, what do you think of the book. If you haven’t, do you want to read it?

Blog goals 2016 for Free Creature

With the New Year, come also new resolutions. As a start of the year, I thought it would be a good idea to share my New Year’s resolutions for Free Creature with you.

These are the things I want to achieve in 2016:

  • Blog frequently

In 2016 I want to blog frequently not only in the beginning, but all the way through the year. I have set up a blogging schedule, and I’m planning to publish 1-2 blog posts every week. My ultimate goal is to publish 48 blog posts in total, but I hope that I’ll manage to publish over 48 maybe even over 50 blog posts in total for 2016.

  • Stick to my blogging schedule

As I mentioned in the resolution above, I have made a blogging schedule. I love how it turned out, and it’s full of many lovely blog ideas to become blog posts that I hope you’ll both read and enjoy, maybe even leave a comment. The problem is that I tend to forget that I have a schedule, therefore I decided to make it one of my blog resolutions for 2016.

  • Become active on social media

Maybe you have noticed that I have social media accounts. If you haven’t, go check them out here: Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Bloglovin’, Tumblr, Weheartit and YouTube. I want to become active on these social platforms as a way to keep in touch with you, send you updates on what happens behind the scenes, when new blog posts have been published and other things as well.

  • Make YouTube videos in addition to normal blog posts

I want to make both videos and written content on Free Creature, so one of the resolutions for the blog in 2016 is to begin uploading videos to the blog, and I plan on using YouTube as a way to upload my videos.

  • Take my own blog photos

As a new blogger, it is tempting to use stock photos on my blog, as it is easy to just search for the image you want on one of the websites. I decided that I want to make my own pictures for Free Creature, as it is going to be a fun experience to both make photographs for the blog posts and write them as well.

I hope that you’ll follow my journey through 2016 and after, never miss a blog post by following me on Bloglovin’. If you would like to contact me, you can send me a direct message on both Twitter and Instagram or use my contact form.

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions for 2016? Tell me in the comment section, I would love to know.

An awesome way to start the New Year

Hey there and happy New Year, my name is Ellie!

This is my first blog post on Free Creature, and because of that I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and my ideas for the blog. The topics I plan to focus on are lifestyle and creativity. I chose these topics because they are very open, and have many fun sub-topics. For example, beauty and other makeup related posts can be a sub-topic of both lifestyle and creativity. The decision of setting up Free Creature and writing my first blog post today is amazing, because with the New Year I’m starting a whole new fun project. I hope you will follow my journey here on Free Creature. You can expect DIY’s, music playlists and other fun posts as well.

Thank you for reading,

Ellie. (: